Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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the message
Chuadanga Sadar Upazila is an upazila of Chuadanga district. It is an agricultural main upazila, the standard of living is quite good. However, the quality of life of most people still needs improvement. Chuadanga Sadar Upazila is playing a leading role in bringing government services to the doorsteps of the people through maximum use of information technology. From the upazila portal you will be provided with the information to get the desired service. Chuadanga sadar upazila is geographical 
All information on geographical, economic, social, cultural and communication systems will be open. Information regarding activities and service delivery of all government offices will be readily available. Your temporary stay on our upazila portal will enrich your database. We are happy to serve you through Upazila Portal.
We have limitations to complete the information repository of this upazila portal. Please forgive our limitations. Besides, the door of sending your well-thought-out opinions, suggestions and general directions to enrich the information repository of the upazila portal is always open. We need your cooperation. 
A clean, beautiful, terror-free, development-oriented and enlightened Chuadanga Sadar Upazila is desired by all of us through concerted efforts.